Thursday, April 21, 2011

KeHadIran INsaN bARU...

alkisah b'mula apabila ain,abg n adik sampai di dewan b'salin pada pkul 6.30 ptg pd 16/4/11,
tp si suami sdg khusyuk m'nanti lbih lama di tmpat yg sama...hehhe
pengalaman m'jdi s'org bapa m'rpakn saat yg plg b'mkna bg seorg bapa sprtinye..
dalam ati nie sllu ckp bile baby nk kuar ni...xsabarnye
lama xlama gak la dalm kul 9.00mlm tepat....
jeng...jeng...jeng...jururwt mmggil suami untk menemani si isteri...
lahirnye insan yg comel ni untk akak n abg ipar stlh hmpir 4thn menanti...

baby girl @ boy???hehehe cube teke....xmau la secret knnye...

nama dier.... 
semoga adik m'jadi insan b'gna n b'jaya 1 ari nnti...
Love UUUUu...

Friday, April 15, 2011

studi WEEK @ wEaK????

this week Is in the end of our blaja2x.....hehehe n b'mulanye minggu studi
abis test jer trus kems2x brg untk balik ke umah...
thank 4 abg ipar sbb sudi jemput ain d jengka ni walupun ari nk malam..
xlupa gak pd ayah n akak yg sudi menemani...hehhe
asal minggu studi da start,b'mula la episod xtau mne subjek yg nak start studi lu...
tahap kecelaruan yg m'lampau kan...
emmm...buku @ muka buku...hehehe seronok dpt 'sma kluarga...t'ubat rindu d dada..
wahhh...kwn2 All THe best For UR stuDI...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

the PBL 3 is FINIShed yesTerDay..

Pbl SESSION 3 completed...many thing that we can learned from the pbl presentation for this is guide ourself confident for make decision in da company for example..
 Yesterday peresentation happened with smoothly..
althought, i don't like to present at many audience, actually we can try to be at the besttt stages..
everything...we can share when we have the best solution 4 dat company..
thank 4 sir azmi causes given us the chance to give the opinion..
n don't 4get to my fwen in da group with contribution of ideas..

Monday, March 14, 2011

AnDAI mAmpU kU UNdur WAktu...

ain slalu t'ingat wktu kecik2 dulu...saat manis b'sama adik beradikku...'walau xkaya harta tp budi bahasa perlu ada' itu kata org tuaku...hehehe

Monday, February 21, 2011

PBL seSSIon ii..

today we had a presentation as a live session..wahahaa we should choose the question and we need to answer at 15 minutes after that..we are  lucky group..we choose the direct question also..tq to all of my fwen..

Saturday, February 19, 2011

mENcintai MU

Smlm tgk cite yg b'tajuk sperti di atas..lakonan adi putra n famili yg xpercayakan pegangan islam. lastly,dapat p'tunjuk dr ilahi stelah kematian bapanyer..2 la kuasa Allah, Dia xpernah m'nyusahkan umatnye tp memberi ujian agar pulang ke pangkal jalan..2 sume rahsia Allah..

Thursday, February 10, 2011


i am so nervous with this dizzy.. i hope i will perform the best i can do.. today is the serabut thing...many thing that i remember...hehhee it alwayz happened when we don't think about it...but we must faced it..chaiyok2x we can do better 4 other PBL..